Sunday, September 6, 2015

cancer symptoms

cancer symptoms
And cancer symptoms are generally divided into three sections are as folows
General symptoms: such as loss of weight, fatigue and general fatigue, loss of appetite, sweating, especially at night.

Localized symptoms: including the emergence of a solid or changes in the external surface of the skin form of the block.
Symptoms indicate the spread: Khdot inflation in the various nodes in the body or in the liver or bone pain in the glands.
There are other symptoms is not necessarily a symptom of malignant disease, but at the same time may be the first warning of slag and symptoms such as
Lack of unintentional weight loss exceeds 10% of the weight in 6 months
Change in urination habits
Runny or abnormal bleeding from the nozzles of the body
Block or stuck anywhere in the body, especially the breast in women
Bh or cough does not respond to treatment, especially if accompanied with hemoptysis
Ulceration is not responding to treatment during 20 days
Profuse sweating and abnormal Lilly
  The video also shows the seven simple steps and smart to prevent cancer Jmsk control.
And help you figure out how to kill cancer cells
The easiest ways to avoid known cancer-causing agents
Interpretation of well-known relationship between iodine and cancer.
And much, much more.
According to Brownstein and presented by that demonstrates how to kill cancer cells before they multiply and destroy your bod

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